Tuskegee Airmen Inc.
                       Tidewater Chapter

$750.00 - Life Member Dues*

$  90.00 - Regular Member Dues

$  70.00 - Active Duty (AD) Junior Officers

$  55.00 - Youths/Students & AD Enlisted Personnel

[* = $40.00 - Annual Chapter Dues for Life Members upon satisfying $750.00 payment]

Click "One Time" and then "Donate in honor of" your Membership Class Dues amount to be paid. 

Next,  Click "Add to Your Giving Basket" and then the "Check Out Now" tab. [Note: please follow the remaining steps and don't forget to add the Cover Payment processing fee (example: $2.33 for a $90 Annual Dues payment). 

EMail/Cell/Home Address Changes?  Click in the Green Space to Update Your TAI Form 2 Membership Application!

Membership Dues

Thanks In Advance For Your Annual Dues Payment!!



Please Click "Donate to this Charity" below to Renew or Pay Chapter Dues, then type in White Space Your Total Dues Amount (e.g. - $90: Reg. Mbr/O-4 & Above; $70: O-1 to O-3; $55: E-1 to E9/Student & Youth and $750: Life Member*)


Donate to this Charity

Thank you for your interest in Renewing your Membership!  Please pick the appropriate Membership Class from the list below, then go to "Step 1."


Note:Charity Navigator will apply a small charge (less than PayPal) to your Dues Payment.  When asked, please Click add small charge and Charity Navigator will not deduct its service fee from your Dues Payment